Thursday 30 January 2014

A Totally Timely Update

Many things have happened in a short period of time!!

1) Remember how I ended up in the hospital before New Years? Well it turns out that I have asthma now. Just permanently. Forever. We could all debate whether I did this to myself by adopting a rabbit and living with hay, but let's not. I'm on a puffer morning and night, and I've just been prescribed a pill as well. The pill is supposed to help clear out my chest and my nose, and so be more effective than just a puffer. We shall see.

2) Bryan got into grad school!!! Yay! Max and I knew he would. There's now the stress of funding and trying to make sure that he'll get money next year. There's never a moment of peace.

3) In an effort to procrastinate on work, I picked out our wedding china tonight. No, we're not engaged. But I didn't want to work, and I used a chrome extension to permanently block Reddit.

Blue and pointy - exactly to my taste.

Bryan gave his opinion with "Yeah, that's nice" or "No." while he worked on his assignment. He didn't really look up though, so I suspect he might have been choosing his response at random.

Love to everyone!!
Sam, Bryan, and Max

1 comment:

  1. Permanently block Reddit? That's a thing? I'll need to find one for Firefox for those nights I get addicted to /r/letsnotmeet...
