Monday 27 January 2014

Let's be honest.....

.....This is what we were all expecting. I really did honestly try. I had a draft titled "Second Post?", and everything. 

So what's new? 

Bryan is almost fully registered now. The professor of his final course is back from India and signed a form. It only took a month. That's reasonable, right? All of his graduate school applications are in, and we now wait with bated breath. 

Max is growing ever more adventurous. This morning he brought his breakfast (a whole piece of kale) to bed. To my pillow more specifically. While I was still sleeping on it, to be even more specific. 

Fun fact: I did not make this image. Someone else on the internet has had this experience. 

I am ever the same. I code. I read papers. I mark the labs of first year physics students and worry. Why do I worry, you ask? This first year class is offered to life science students, and they take it because a physics class with a lab component is a requirement to get into medical school. I worry because these future doctors can barely write their own names on their labs, much less complete the work. If illegibility of writing were the only requirement to be a medical doctor though, they'd all be aces. 

Also, I've started a new knitting project. I was knitting a sweater (the Beatnik sweater) that has turned out to be too hard. Rather than persevere, grow strength of character, and power through, I've chosen to knit a different sweater. This new sweater is knit in the round (much easier) and has a smaller, less complicated cable pattern. Also, owls. 

They have eyes! Button eyes!!

Bryan and I have also spent a lot of our time lately playing board games. We've purchased two new ones: Tokaido and Gloom. Tokaido is a game where each player is a tourist travelling Tokaido road from Kyoto to Tokyo in ancient Japan, buying souvenirs and staying in hot springs along the way. Don't worry, it's more fun than it sounds. In Gloom each player has a family that they try to make as miserable as possible before killing them all off. The most miserably dead family wins!! It's just as morbid as it sounds!

Finally, we're getting more furniture delivered from Ikea on Wednesday. Hopefully the apartment will start to look more like a home and less like some rooms we put some stuff in. Maybe I'll post pictures... 

...If I remember.

Love to everyone!!
Sam, Bryan, and Max


  1. Awesome! I'm in the process of getting my graduate application in too. Got to take the GRE and get an essay done first though.

    1. That's awesome! You're going into nursing, right? What are you doing specifically? I think Matt was telling me and it sounded really interesting but I forget now. I'm so glad Canada doesn't have a GRE. It sounds stressful
